**FREE Online Workshop** What Successful Entrepreneurship Looks Like

Friday, June 16, 2023 (12:00 PM - 1:30 PM) (PDT)


This interactive online workshop is provided free of charge by the City of Oakley Entrepreneur Program. Meet the founders of Oakley startup companies who have mastered the concepts described in the past 9 months of “Entrepreneurship 101”. Participants will hear live, in-person accounts of how these local innovators created and now run their successful business. Presenters will field your questions both in person and via Zoom. Note: This workshop is presented online using Zoom. Very limited seating for in-person learning will be available. Log in information will be provided with registration confirmation.
Online via Zoom
Event Contact
Bill Bankhead
(925) 473-7415
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Friday, June 16, 2023 (12:00 PM - 1:30 PM) (PDT)
My Pittsburg Chamber
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