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Welcome to where is your body is the most important and dynamic piece of workout equipment you’re ever going to have. I’m Thomas Wiley and today I want to introduce you to the Wiley Fit Program and the Wiley Fit method. We have always focused on fundamentals of training for a healthy lifestyle. The three main things we need to focus on to maintain that healthy lifestyle is, consistency, frequency, and accountability. Specifically we focus on the four quadrants which is upper push, for push-ups. Lower push, for Burpee‘s. Upper pull, for pull-ups or for a lot of us the sliding pull up, and the lower pull, for the sliding bridge. Also we focus heavily on the three planes of motion Sagittal, Frontal, and transverse. Because we cannot move through life without segments of all three planes of motion. And when we are pushed with the exercise or the planes of motion and we are not as strong, or not as familiar, that’s where we need to focus on certain issues. Think of it like building a house. You you need a strong foundation before you start applying visual aesthetics. But there’s nothing wrong with having an idea of how the finished product is going to look. This neatly brings me along the lines to tracking your physical fitness at home. We go over how to track your physical training in later videos. But another excellent way to track your physical progress is a before and after picture. Always make sure it’s with a non-natural light because clouds can compromise lighting. And make sure you are the same distance and in the same posture when you take the photo. No need to go to the gym. Because you or the gym.