For more than 50 years REALTORS® in eastern Contra Costa County have joined with their affiliates in the real estate industry to make important contributions to community service programs. Acting as a committee of the association, members and affiliates have provided support to several programs. "CanTree" provides money and foodstuffs for local programs like United Methodist Church Pantry; Brentwood Community Chest and others.
To maximize the community service effort of our association, the DAR Board of Directors authorized the establishment of a 'tax-exempt, charitable foundation' named the Delta REALTORS® Community Service Foundation (The Foundation).
The Foundation Scholarship Program provides support for area high school seniors seeking to continue their education but with financial assistance to do so. Every east county high school is offered an opportunity to participate. The Scholarship Committee annually awards seven $1,000 scholarships.
Fundraising efforts include such social and networking events as softball, golf, bowling and a Poker Run. Under the incorporated status The Foundation is able to solicit donations from individuals and corporations who limit their contributions to IRS qualified charities. Additionally, with the association providing administrative support, including bookkeeping and secretarial services, little, if any, funds raised are used for administration.
It is the goal of The Foundation that 100% of funds raised or donated go to the important programs for which it is intended. Our members make huge contributions in time, energy and monetary support to worthy community causes. This organization has the ability to expand it's fundraising efforts and to broaden the list of beneficiaries. All of which make REALTORS® and Affiliates of DAR truly 'good neighbors'.
Bylaws of the organization call for the periodic election of a Board of Directors and address a myriad of organizational details. Each year the DAR President and Board of Directors appoint The Foundation's governing Board of Directors. The satisfaction of providing support to causes in our immediate neighborhoods coupled with the positive image that REALTORS® and Affiliates get as a result of their community involvement, continues to stimulate a high level of participation.